With social distancing Giraffing and other forms of exam malpractices will die or mutate when WAEC exams begin?

I’m worried, my friend

That’s no news, I hear a lot of that these days

Seriously? From who and who?

You want me to mention names?

Should you?

What do you think?

I don’t think that will help me

Does worrying help you?

I guess not. I’m being human. And please quit behaving like a shrink

Am I?

You don’t know you are?

Is that what you think?

It’s what I know

What are you worried about?

Now you want to listen to me, abi?

What have I been doing?

Showing off. I pity those who cannot depend on others showing off their scripts anymore

What are you talking about?

Haven’t you heard that WAEC exams are coming?

Coming to where?

Coming to America! What do you mean, coming to where? Of course, with the resumption of schools after the long lockdown, students may now sit for the WAEC exams this August or September.

How does that worry you?

I am worried as to how students will Giraffe with the new social distancing observance

Oh, I see. That should not be a problem. Employers of the Giraffe method must know by now that a new season has come. It is bye bye to Giraffing.

You don’t think it’s going to be as simple as that?

Of course, it will be as simple as that my friend. Oh, I get it. No wonder you say you are worried

I am worried indeed. Will the ‘peculiar necessity’ of some not be the mother of invention in this case? Will Giraffing and other forms of exam malpractices die or mutate into other forms of exam malpractices, considering the diffusive ‘by any means necessary’ mentality? Have the authorities in WAEC or those exam malpractices watchers, considered this possibility at all?

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