How Nigerian youths can keep it together when things are Turning Red (Disney & Pixar) – One: Cooperate

Just before the 41:00-minute mark in the movie, an incident happened and Mei turned red! But one of her besties, Priya told her, “Dude, keep it together.” In the discussion that followed, they agreed they needed to ‘do it together’ or work together to achieve their goals. Put simply, Nigerian youths must intentionally cooperate among themselves for the task at hand. To cooperate means to agree without being disagreeable. It means to be willing to work with others.

Many Nigerian youths, especially in the comedy and music segments of the entertainment industry have shown the way when it comes to what is commonly called “Collabo.” Occasionally, we hear of some party getting the short end of the stick out of a deal but generally most of the deals are beneficial to the parties concerned. There is a need to transfer some of the valuable knowledge gained by these youths to the political arena and use the same to mobilize other youths to become more actively involved in the political space.

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