What stung Harry and Meghan the most: what was done to them or what was not done?

How am I supposed to know?

But you watched the interview with Oprah Winfrey?

I did but I was thinking of what the Royals back home in England would think

You were thinking of what the Royals would think? You were not thinking of the pain they tried so hard to hide?

Oh that? It was obvious they hurt so bad

Did they hurt so bad from what was done to them or from what was not done to them?

Is this about grading offenses? If this is about knowing which hurt more than the other, I suppose what hurt them more, were the things that were not done.

But that was not emphasized during the interview. It was mostly all about the things that were said or done to Harry and Meghan

Was the interview not ‘explosive’ enough? Haven’t you seen the kind of reactions it has generated with fans of ‘either side’ expressing their support? Why create a narrative to suggest a follow up or Part 2?

I am not suggesting a follow-up interview

Then what is your point?

As I reviewed the interview, something I had read a long time ago in the General Confession in the Church of England Prayer Book (would you believe it?) happened on my consciousness.

I’m waiting for you

Do you know that in the General Confession, the clause, ‘We have left undone those things which we ought to have done,’ comes before the clause, ‘And we have done those things which we ought not to have done?’


Why do you think the writers ordered the confessions in that manner? You do not think those who ordered the confessions in that manner wanted to show us something?

What are you implying? That Harry and Meghan should not tell of their frustrations and the threat those experiences posed to their mental health?

Is that what you think I’m saying?

No. I don’t think that’s what you are saying. But all this concern about things that were not done might minimize the extent of their pain and I don’t want us to do that.

Then you missed my point. It is because ‘We have left undone those things which we ought to have done that we do those things which we ought not to have done. And this is something Harry, Meghan, The Royal Family, and the rest of us, should consider more honestly going forward as our minds play back and forth elements from the interview.

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