If you don’t want to have anything to do with me, don’t breathe my air

“If you don’t want to have anything to do with me, don’t breathe my air”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly what you understand it to mean.”

“Your air? Do you hear yourself?”

“Loud and clear.”

“I should not breathe your air.”

“Are you talking to me?”

“It is too early in the day.”

“What are you implying? Do you think I do not see the anger in your eyes and hear the meanness in your voice?”

“I remember you were in class when we were told that assumption is the lowest expression of human intelligence.”

“What is the highest expression of human intelligence? Oh, never mind. Breathe my air, only if you have anything to do with me, and this world.”

“Where are you going with all this?”

“To the studio.”

“To do what?”

“Record song of the year.”

“Is that how they record song of the year?”


“Oh, Oh, Adele, you? Seriously?”

“Genius is not often obvious.”


“How many winners of song of the year didn’t encounter critics and naysayers on the way to winning the important prize?”

“What is even this song that has captivated you so?”

“I’ve already told you the first verse.”

“I didn’t get it.”

“If you don’t want to have anything to do with me, don’t breathe my air

“Breathe my air, only if you have anything to do with me, and this world”

“Is that all?”

“You will hear the rest when the music is out.”

“What made you write a song like that?”

“My friend calls it the absurdity of hate and the folly of bitterness. Every one of us living in this planet breathe the same air. We breathe it all together, regardless of age, colour of skin, status or location, sharing such deep oneness, we hardly acknowledge and notice. Some may squirm at the thought but the fact remains that the president and other leaders have part of the air that has passed through our lungs, resting in their lungs, as we speak. And vice versa. By the way, do you know why Thanos lost the final battle in Endgame? He had inhaled much of those Avengers who disappeared as dust. Where did all the dust go? Didn’t you watch as some mingled with the air, and eventually ended up in Thanos lungs? You cannot successfully eliminate through hate those whose air reside in your own lungs.”

“Did the Russo Brothers say anything like that?”

“Go figure.”

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