As time delivers Pastor Ituah Ighodalo to his 60th Birthday today

In the midst of all the items that have dominated national discourse lately, time delivers Pastor Ituah Ighodalo to his 60th year today. With the loss of his beloved wife nine months ago still hanging as a strong fragrance, time yet delivers him to the shore of his 60th year. Like the rest of us, he’s drawn by time. It’s always been time. The insignia of our humanity, the proof our collective privilege. And the undeniable reminder from providence of its ultimate triumph.

The triumph of time is its unobtrusiveness. Maintaining a rigid routine but staying firmly in the background while letting dawn to dusk allure us with their many offerings. Of course, from our interactions with these offerings, some tend to depreciate the value of time by not paying it any heed.

The 2021 Easter holidays ended yesterday, so this morning we would rush out of our homes to hug the traffic. Spread our concentration on traffic matters until we shift gears in our offices and commercial centers. Or any other place with a more compelling offering. And wait until evening to embrace the allure from there. Leaving time to walk alone.

We would wake up the next day and repeat virtually the same routine. Leaving time yet to walk alone. Which bothers Pastor Ituah a great deal. So, he spends considerable amount of time presenting Timeless in Time to the rest of us. It has become his life’s mission to let the rest of us see how not to let time walk alone. By placing our faith and trust in One who is Timeless in time, we overcome the temptation of missing the most important movement in creation, time in motion.

Happy Birthday, Pastor Ituah!

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