Would late President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Cote-D’Ivoire’s solution sort Nigeria’s problem with Graft? – Part 2

When President Felix Houphouet-Boigny appointed you as minister in Cote-D’Ivoire back in those days, he would give you a house, a car and a farm. Then he would have you sign an undertaken. The country would put some money, about $2million in an escrow account. If you took one kobo of government money, you would forfeit the money in the escrow account, which was your retirement benefit for serving the country.

How do you think ministers under President Felix Houphouet-Boigny treated government money after signing this undertaken? Do you think they became better stewards of the resources of government and avoiding every temptation to dip their fingers in the cookie jar, as best as they could?

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