What Joe Biden once said about hunting, his current search for a deputy and the enrichment

And it came to pass that former United States Vice President and Democratic Party front-runner, Joe Biden went into the woods of politics to hunt for a deputy. Many years prior, he had revealed his hunting philosophy in the statement that ‘if you need more than ten rounds… you shouldn’t be hunting. Because if you can’t get the kill in three shots, you shouldn’t be hunting at all.’

But this is a different kind of hunt. Because it is not a matter of rounds or shots or getting a kill. The candidates, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer and Stacy Abrams, have demonstrated their appeal and strengths. In many ways, they have looked the part and indicated what kinds of contributions they could make to Biden’s launch for the big prize, the United States’ presidency.

As we await the conclusion of the first phase of the double-phased hunt there is need to acknowledge the enrichment Biden’s hunt has brought us all.

  1. A 77-year-old navigating the woods of politics for a deputy, then reaching for the top prize, is an example for old people everywhere to dream, especially at a time when old people are generally seen as ‘expendables’ because of coronavirus-induced hysteria
  2. The thrill of hunting is almost equal to the feeling of landing the booty
  3. Whichever direction the hunting goes, we would have a body of knowledge to learn from at the end of the exercise
  4. The fitness of the hunter and the hunted in all the relevant parameters being part of the important elements.
  5. And the contributions of other participants like weather and allied elements.
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