What are you giving Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth as she marks 70years on the throne today?

Mehn, 70 whole years! That’s definitely a whole lifetime on the throne. But what can I give Her Majesty that she doesn’t already have?

You will be surprised

But seriously what’s the most meaningful gift anyone can give her at this time? She has owned it all, seen it all and experienced it all. And she is 95years old this April. What a life! She is definitely a prime example of Providence’ benevolence walking on two legs.

What are you giving her?

I don’t know, maybe a King James Bible. It’s Sunday, remember?

A Bible? Do you know how many bibles she would have been given over the years? Are you aware that she attended the anniversary marking the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible at the Westminster Abbey on November 17, 2001?

I’m aware.

Yet you’re suggesting a bible as a gift for her?

The thing about the bible is not how many copies you have but how much of its contents you have appropriated and use on a daily basis

My preacher man is in the zone and he wants to preach; it’s a Sunday after all.

Let me rephrase what I said about gifting Her Majesty a Bible to mark her 70th Year on the Throne. Gifting her a conversation around a key bible subject will be a meaningful gift for Her Majesty?

Did I hear you say a conversation? A conversation with Her Majesty? Who dash monkey banana, like they say in the land of my fathers?

I didn’t say I want to have a conversation with her, please. I’m aware of those strong royal protocols that have been further amplified with the set from Covid-19 compliance. But in case you didn’t know, meaningful conversations are some of the best gifts you can give to elderly persons anywhere in the world. And Her Majesty is no exception.

Ok. Tell me, what will you talk about with Her Majesty if you had the opportunity?

I’m not sure.

You’re on the spot. Give me something, right here and now.

Ok. What if we start with the number 70 and check how many times the word appeared in the King James Bible?

Ok. How many times?

60 times

That was quick. Looks like you have given this some thought.

I have, actually.

So what did you find?

A variety of interesting subjects and contexts?

Which will you gladly share with Her Majesty if given the opportunity?

The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 18:22. “Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times; but until seventy times seven.”

Can you explain why that choice?

Are you Her Majesty? You asked what I would talk about with Her Majesty if given the opportunity

But you can tell me a little

Ok. Later this afternoon after lunch

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