The brighter side (5) With only 75,000 doctors, 180,709 nurses and 25,000 pharmacists for 200m Nigerians…

Once again, we acknowledge our doctors, nurses and other medical professionals risking all to keep the rest of society safe. They deserve all the attention and commendation we are showering on them. Even if it is unreasonable to assume that fuel from ‘hailings’ alone, will keep them motivated on the current marathon. As they navigate the treacherously designed tracks of coronavirus.

Their bank accounts, pockets and purses need to swell more than a bit, to complement the fuel from our ‘hailings.’ By the way, for those not familiar with the term, ‘hailings’ means affectionate expressions of praise and appreciation.

Now consider these numbers from sources in the ministry of health: 75,000 medical doctors, 180,709 nurses and 25,000 pharmacists; 0.5 percent hospital beds per 1000 people plus an average of 5 percent of annual budget spent on health of 200million people called Nigerians.

Question: knowing that these professionals are not produced overnight, in some kind of fast-track, micro-wave system (the other day, China sent us ONLY 20 doctors) how can approximately 280,709 professionals effectively and efficiently handle the health needs of 200million people in the age of coronavirus?

Short Answer: Pray!

Making a prayer is making a request to the Almighty God. A request from finite and foolish creatures to the infinite and all-wise God. Considering our vast numbers, some of the requests may be granted while others may be refused. From the lists of requests that may be granted we may significantly magnify the efforts of our medical professionals and others in the business of slaying coronavirus. This hope, when it is fulfilled would become like a tree of life for every one of us.

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