Stop press! We ‘beat’ Covid-19 (I know…) we would beat this too

God bless all our doctors, pharmacists, all other medical/health professionals, the folks at NCDC and everyone at the vanguard of the fight against Covid-19. They know that their combined efforts didn’t get us the ‘victory.’ We know they know that fact.

We also know that on our part, our own combined efforts didn’t get us the ‘victory’ either. The combination of their efforts and our efforts didn’t do it. Our deliverance came from God. We may argue from now till later but if we are honest, we would acknowledge that we received help from a source we cannot explain. Covid-19 would have crushed us completely going by what we had, what we did, and are still doing.

I have reported our encounter with Covid-19 in past tense not because I am not aware of all the talk about second or third wave in many parts of the world but look around you. How would you rate the general level of compliance with all those NCDC guidelines even before the current wave hit our shores? This is not a call to ignore compliance with the NCDC guidelines in any way.

Those who believe we received help must now begin to call for God’s help once again. It’s his prerogative to give us the best help tailored to meet our peculiar situation. We have evidence that may come before him and ask for his help. Surely the God who gave an Elon Musk the head, and the team to build SpaceX to what it is today such that it has become a major contractor to NASA and other military establishments, can shift the capabilities of our young people into those kinds of gears. The God that gave some persons the capabilities to see the possibilities inherent in deploying specialized A.I technologies for all kinds of social and civil challenges may give our youths similar capabilities, resources and everything required to do the same for our beloved country.

The God that gave our young people the presence of mind to deploy drones to capture the incidents of looting and vandalism of shops and businesses as was widely reported, in the midst of all that tension and madness, can expand those capabilities and further endow them for these critical times.

We have been asked to exercise discretion with the images and videos circulating on social
media as we should but if there is no smoke without fire, and any of these reports be given any attention then we must pray this one prayer:

“Oh God, settle the generation in front of Nigerian youths that they may step aside and that these young persons may step into their dawn.”


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