Russia’s Covid-19 vaccine: Putin’s daughter, Duterte’s offer and the deductions matter

Two seemingly unrelated news items from last week, offered something of a classical example of the convergence of deductions and interpretations.

In the first item, President Vladimir Putin of Russia announced that Russia’s Covid-19 cure was ready; and had already been administered on his daughter while in the second item, President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines announced he would be the first to receive Russia’s Covid-19 vaccine in his country.

What kinds of deductions were made from the fact that President Putin’s daughter has already been vaccinated? And what kinds of deductions were made from President Duterte’s announcement that he would be the first person to be vaccinated in the Philippines?

Below is a summary of the major deductions from the convergence of both announcements:

A father’s love for his daughter versus a leader’s love for his position (Others first, me last; or me first, others last.) A father’s concern for the future versus a leader’s concern for the moment.

Or is it a father’s love for self, versus a leader’s love for others. A father’s concern for the present, versus a leader’s concern for the future.

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