Our cinema-going habits and liberation struggles

Movies have been known to transport viewers to otherworldly territories, and expand their imaginations. They have been known to elicit a mix bag of emotions depending on the story and its execution but what connections might there be between some of our cinema-going habits and liberation struggles? How well or otherwise would we fare should we decide to require all cinema-goers in the country to donate ten percent of their cinema tickets to the provision of say, mobile cancer screening centres in all electoral wards in the country by the time of the next general elections in 2023?

Here is a teaser: In 1965, after the Prime Minister Abubakar Tafawa Balewa-led government had begun embracing the idea of supporting various liberation movements across Africa, every Nigerian cinema goer was required to pay a levy of one shilling as contribution to the African Liberation Fund, every time they went to any cinema.

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