Most Valuable Bandit Recruiter, MVBR

What kinds of people do bandits look for to recruit?

Why is that of any interest to you?

Bandits have joined the show business.

But not every business is show business

I know but bandits have decided to join that category

How many of them have you seen with blings and flashy cars, symbols of show business?

They have their own version of those items of trade

What are you talking about?

What’s common to blings, flashy cars, machetes and guns?

They are all made from metal

Very good. Now tell me who is your most valuable bandit recruiter, MVBR?

I’ve never been on the trail of bandits. Neither have I known anyone directly or indirectly associated with their head of Human Resources.

That means you have not considered the entry requirements and qualifications to becoming bandits.

Why should I? You’re not thinking of becoming one. Are you?

I’m surprised you would ask such a question.

You’re surprised? When you appear fixated on matters of bandits and banditry

So you don’t think the head of a bandit recruitment agency requires a deeper examination?

I’m not a shrink. Besides, where will you find the head of a bandit recruitment agency to examine his head?

I like the sound of your last question.

This conversation is not about the sound of words or is it?

What do you think about 3-Ds men?

You mean 3 Dimensional men?

No, I mean who are in distress, in debts and discontented.

Did you not say this conversation is not about the sound of words? We are supposed to be talking about your MVBR

And we are. The most successful band leaders through the ages have lifted their modus operandi from his diary

What are you talking about?

I don’t understand why conventional armies always exclude 3-Ds men from their recruitment programs

Of course, your 3-Ds men are toxic

Perspective again, my friend

You’re not saying conventional armies should recruit men who are in distress, in debts and discontented. That’s an outright no. In fact, two big Nos!

You miss the point

What’s your point?

No country with a conventional army can afford to keep an army of 3-Ds men unengaged. They will naturally transfer their services to gangs and banditry

What service are you talking about? What services can such men render?

Ah! So you don’t know? In the hands of an expert recruiter, 3-Ds men have just the right ingredients required to transmute into a formidable counter force.

Who is your reference in this regard?

Someone you must have heard about. His name is David.

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