Is Pedro Pascal right that there are no good and bad people any more, no enemies, just unfortunates?

When confronted by his former mate with mounting evidence of his involvement in the murder of a dear friend, in the movie, Equalizer 2, Pedro Pascal replied by saying that there are no good and bad people anymore, no enemies, just unfortunates?

What is the full implication of such worldview in the real world? Especially, coming from a gentleman who once served meritoriously in combating some of the biggest threats to the security of his society. What happens when officers who used to be dedicated to duty turn rogue and begin to offer their services to the highest bidders?

What kinds of actions, inactions, decisions and choices from the rest of society allow such orientations to fester?

Could frustration be the big elephant in the room? The kind of frustration that makes the heart sick with hopelessness.

Earlier in the dialogue, which took place in his home, in what seemed like a pointer to some clues, Pascal ranted that the best their kind got for all their dedication and putting their life constantly at risk, was only a plaque. Just a plaque. That could not give them a decent life in retirement.

What kind of learnings can we extract from this property in the movie and apply in the relevant fields in our nation today?

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