God, the Inscrutable explained?

(Hope you did not miss the question mark at the end of the title?) Kindly take another look at the photo again.

What is the most logical and most reasonable explanation as to why we do not see such incidents every other hour on our roads? Particular the highways preferred by petroleum tankers and petroleum-laden trucks. We hear of these cases from time to time (which is always sad) but why are the ‘rest of us’ alive and still here?

Why hasn’t everyone who’s ever driven beside any of the numerous container laden trucks encountered the sort of thing I experienced last Friday with my entire family in the car while driving along Apapa Oshodi Expressway, wait for it, in traffic, before a container truck bearing down with speed slammed into the traffic with my car receiving the most damage of the four vehicles in his ‘line of fire?’ It was not a case of brake failure because the same driver drove the truck to the police station afterwards without any issues.

What is the logical explanation as to why I am here two days after writing about the incident? The answer is God.

David the sweet Psalmist of Israel gave the world many beautiful and enduring songs. One of the most loved of his songs is, “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord, Forever I will sing of the mercies of the Lord; With my mouth, will I make known Thine faithfulness to all generations; I will sing of the mercies of the Lord, Forever I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.”

That’s what I am doing right now…

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