Last Week, billionaire founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk appeared in the classroom and wrote an unforgettable line on the board. ‘…Possession just weigh you down,’ he wrote.
Below are five ways his idea about possession can help our world as we work through the present to a post-Covid-19 world
- Acquisitiveness need not dominate our minds at a time that calls for robust exploration of effective survival strategies for a Covid-19 saturated world, and the hereafter
- Lean thinking, bare necessities, agility, smartness, and their likes constitute the new sustainable
- Right actions backed by the right reasons enable the creation of virtue, which is one of the standout qualities we need for the moment, and definitely, a post Covid-19 world.
- Speed is one of the biggest needs of the moment. Productive ideas at the speed of thought. Conflict resolution at the speed of thought. Business solutions at the speed of thought. Healthcare management at the speed of thought. Public sector operations at the speed of thought. A radical approach to handling engagement with the environment at the speed of thought. Thus every weight that besets and oppress our minds, clogging our feet, overcharging our hearts, are surplus to requirements and must be discarded.
- On the balance of scale, the interests of the collective are better served by radically selfish individuals than radically selfless individuals
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