Revisiting Zuckerberg’s recent proclamation of the Metaverse and Jack Dorsey’s resignation as CEO of Twitter some days after

Are the two incidents related in any significant way?

So, Mark Zuckerberg proclaimed the age of Metaverse, and Jack Dorsey resigned as CEO from Twitter only a few days after to devote undivided attention to Square.

What are some of the critical elements Zuckerberg says will be in the metaverse when avatars assume a much bigger role than they have ever assumed? How do those elements cohere or synchronize with the dominant interests at Square, which is going to receive a bigger chunk of Dorsey’s time going forward?

Aren’t we supposed to pay more than a passing interest to the expressions from some of the key disruptors, mankind has known in the last decade?

Who can tell more accurately the future landscape of digital payments and virtual reality? We know that virtual reality will not replace physical reality as we know it but what happens in the age when some can hardly make the distinction? When the number of those who will struggle to make that distinction increases, then we must remember that the search for a thrill by big minds has not met a bigger candidate than the way being shown us by these fascinating minds.

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