7 vital clues from the view of Pastor Poju Oyemade’s Bookshelf

  1. He prefers his viewers to remember that like Daniel, understanding comes from studying relevant books
  2. He prefers his viewers to see the more relaxing paperback books instead of the intimidating feel big hardcover books often convey
  3. He prefers his viewers to see mostly paperback books to show his endorsement of things simple and the simple life
  4. He prefers his viewers to see mostly paper back books to show that it is the duty of teachers, instructors and influencers, who having ingested and processed the heavy stuff, provide digestible forms of it to their hearers and listeners, in exactly the same way mothers ingest their eba, rice, beans, vegetable, etc, and convert them to digestible milk for their babies
  5. He prefers his viewers to see mostly small sized paperback books to communicate the need for speed, agility and quick reaction times when it comes to decision making
  6. He prefers his viewers to see how the books have been tightly and closely arranged to communicate how knowledge from flows along a spectrum of information, from one volume to another.
  7. As for the big hardcover books, they have been kept out of view of his viewers to convey the lesson that it is the duty of teachers, instructors and influencers to do the vital, heavy and difficult stuff away from the view of their followers
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