We in Lagos are Broken

By means of the crash
We in Lagos are broken
By means of this site
Our eyes are set in tears
There are so many reasons
Why our hearts ache badly

We, like them, are always eager
We in Lagos are broken
By means of blinders, bricks and boulders
Our bodies are exhausted
There are so many wanderings
Piercing our attempts to focus

Banded together in misery
We in Lagos are broken
Poor parents, poor siblings
Poor Fellow Lagosians
There are too many dips
In restless waters

Looking to tether the torture
We in Lagos are broken
Bonds, bodies, businesses
and more
There are so many accounts
Frozen in the silence

Looking to the Watchers
We in Lagos are broken
By means of this breach
Our realities are reset
There are so many questions
Demanding us

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