Those we owe the most thanks as 2020 winds down

  1. Life – only the living are capable of thanks
  2. That which ‘forced’ families to stay together for longer, and bond better, aka Covid-19
  3. Technology providers who helped us stay in touch with one another following the unprecedented disruptions that characterized the year
  4. The medical personnel and care givers who battled in the trenches to keep the rest of world safe
  5. Those who worked behind the scenes conducting works of charity anonymously
  6. Those who gave the world the hope of a cure for Covid-19 and who eventually matched their promise with a vaccine
  7. Those who kept the inspiration juice flowing with the huge success they recorded despite the massive disruptions from Covid-19 related issues
  8. Master KG for the song Jerusalema that let us keep some of our groove
  9. Those whose efforts made sure the faith of many did not fail
  10. God
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