The best President: how Kogururu used quality thought, incentive and a president’s best assets for Kobabandy

Kogururu became president of Kobabandy, when the last of his seven daughters turned 20. The eldest daughter was 32. The rest of the ladies were 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, in that order. They were all beautiful and very smart ladies, and their father knew too well that they were his best assets. Kogururu was going to put his best assets to use unlike his predecessors. And achieve far more than his predecessors achieved while in office.

Long before he became president, he had given quality thought on how best to apply his best assets to relieve Kobabandy of the many challenges facing the country. He sat down with all seven daughters and they examined deeply these challenges. They agreed that the problems had persisted for too long, and asked their father what he was going to do differently. He let them know he would require a different kind of sacrifice from them: they should allow him to influence their choice of spouses. Also, they should not agree to marry any gentleman until he had become president. When they asked him why, he said it was part of his strategy for saving Kobabandy. When they asked him if they would love the gentlemen, he picked for them as spouses, he told them they would. He reminded them that love was not some fluffy emotions swirling in the air but a decision to commit to, care for, and stand with an individual who would reciprocate in kind. The commitment was the first part. The emotional part came next, he told them. They believed him. For they had seen him walk his talk all their lives. They knew they could trust his judgement. Seeing he had got their confidence, Kogururu moved to explain the next stage of his plan. Each of the daughters would marry the gentlemen who were able to do the following:

  1. The first daughter would marry the gentleman who could slay the recurring challenge of cyclical pandemics, and other health challenges facing Kobabandy
  2. The second daughter would marry the gentleman who could find a way to make the greater number of the people of Kobabandy literate, educated and more knowledgeable
  3. The third daughter would marry the gentleman who could find a way to make Kobabandy sufficient in food production
  4. The fourth daughter would marry the gentleman who could find a way to firmly secure and defend Kobabandy from external and internal threats to peace and safety
  5. The fifth daughter would marry the gentleman who could find a way to rouse and draw from every citizen of Kobabandy, a new sense of patriotism
  6. The sixth daughter would marry the gentleman who could find a way to more accurately identify, determine and interpret trends in a way that enables citizens of Kobabandy get ready for the future
  7. The seventh daughter would marry the gentleman who could find a way to coordinate and administer these six critical assignments and serve as the president’s eye in these places.

There were two other sets of incentives for the lucky gentlemen. Their families would be exempted from paying taxes in Kobabandy. And they would be given sizable amount of riches from Kogururu to boot.

The foregoing was the easy part of the strategy. Evolving the unique set of tasks that would throw up the right suitors for his daughters, was the difficult part of the assignment but he was not troubled. History had shown him that a combination of these three incentives worked like magic, when applied as skillfully, as he was wont to do many of the things he took seriously.

The tests came one after the other. The announcements went into every nook and cranny of Kobabandy. The successful candidates were selected two months after Kogururu became president. And the successful candidates only received the 3-packed incentive after their results had been examined by Kogururu. It was result first before incentive! Results and nothing else.

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