It is the considered view of many scientists and researchers that coronavirus was transmitted to humans through bats. Yet in all the elaborate responses to the devastation caused by coronavirus so far, it seems like we have ‘left the bats alone’ and focused more attention on ourselves. The bats are not included in the fierce blame game currently going on among some nations of the world. For those bats, it seems like business as usual.
1. In what ways are we humans, like those bats?
2. Like those bats are we capable of creating such level of devastation?
3. Can we create such level of devastation and not ‘know’ or ‘feel’ the impact of our actions?
4. Like those bats, can we ‘proceed’ with life as if nothing has happened?
5. Like those bats, can we can cause such level of devastation and be unable to ‘undo’ what we have done?
6. Like those bats, do other people carry the can and get the blame for our actions, and we ‘pretend,’ as if nothing has happened?
The bats that brought coronavirus as metaphor

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