Tacha, Jurgen Klopp, David Beckham, Zinedine Zidane and the promise of redemption

Surely, it is one of the most beautiful moments in living – the moment of redemption. The moment when an inglorious act fades. When the memory does not irritate, upset or annoy as it did previously. When images of the once-terrible situation have been successfully replaced with positive images. When new actions have combined to replace feelings of shame and regret with feelings of confidence and assurance.

However tentative the steps towards redemption may be, those who sincerely embrace the backside of society, following their temporary side-lining because of those disapproved actions, often find just enough fuel from the jars of remorse, to begin a new journey that usually leads to the heights of redemption.

As long as they are not in a hurry to reclaim their previous high but patiently allow the rest of society to go on without them, there is hope that eventually, they will come full circle. But if they want to hasten or circumvent this process, looking for ways to remain in our faces by force or manipulation, they squander the opportunity and may prolong their stay in opprobrium or even come away with a certain disfigurement that is neither here nor there.

Not many know that Jurgen Klopp, (did you just smile) in his days as a footballer, once crashed the dream of his club just when everyone thought it was a fait accompli. And many fans could not handle the shock, pain and disappointment. Consequently, he went into the backside of that society where remorse and his own feelings of let-down urged him to begin his journey towards redemption.

In the case of David Beckham, it was an important match in a world cups finals. The referee caught him stomping on an opponent that was on the turf. And immediately flashed the red card, which sent Beckham from the field. Many English fans believed their team lost because of that moment of indiscretion. Unfortunately, the referee who gave the matching orders did not see that Beckham was fouled first!

That of Zinedine Zidane also happened during a very important game at a World Cup finals. He said Marco Materrazi, the Italian defender who he gave a head butt, had insulted him. Unfortunately, the referee did not hear what Marco Materrazi said. He only saw Zidane’s head-butting the Italian, and flashed his red card. Zidane left the field and France lost the World Cup. Pushing the emotions of many French persons into overdrive.

As for Tacha, it is no longer news that she lost her place in the popular reality show because she pulled the hair of one of her challengers to the top prize.

Seeing that Klopp, Beckham and Zidane converted their shame, remorse, and the fact of letting down many, into fuel that propelled them to where they are today, is that not the precise path Tacha should take because of the promise of redemption?

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