#EndSARS: Why “I can’t kill myself” gave way to “Soro Soke.”

Despite its attractiveness because of its laid-back and laissez faire strutting, there are many things wrong with the “I can’t kill myself” orientation. When Timaya’s genius picked its prevalence among the populace, and produced the musical anthem for the orientation, it shifted gears and got more adherents. But it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened. It was only a matter of time before many discovered it was not a truly helpful and sustainable orientation.

Fundamentally, “I can’t kill myself” pitches itself against the key activities by which societies are built, kept and maintained in a sustainable manner. It scorns at hard work and labour. It runs away from tough work. It stands in direct opposite to the framework that instigated most of the actions that have led humanity thus far. For example, Imagine where the world of medicine might be today if Marie Cure and Pierre subscribed to “I can’t kill myself.” This is just one of a ton of many examples.

Of course, some people have to ‘kill’ themselves, their egos, their pride, their inertia, their indulgences, their proclivities for instant gratification, etc so that the rest of society may continue to run as it should. One of history’s most influential figure, Apostle Paul told some of his friends many years ago – “I die daily.” Many parents can relate with Paul. As well as countless other persons. With “Soro Soke,” many people are recapturing the orientation directly opposite the “I can’t kill myself” paradigm. “Soro Soke,” a Yoruba word meaning ‘Speak up or speak louder’ is the livewire of the #EndSARS movement. The listener is being urged to speak up or speak louder not necessarily because he/she is not speaking loudly enough. He/she is being urged to “Soro Soke” because whatever he/she is doing or not doing is speaking so loudly that whatever he/she is saying is not being heard.

Do as I say and not as I do or not do has never been a sustainable model for running societies. Sooner or later, the gaping contradictions inherent in that system clash with devastating and unpredictable consequences.

Meanwhile, the foregoing is the authentic version of “Soro Soke.” There are other variants, including the reasonably popular but rude and abusive version, which should be ignored by users. “Soro Soke,” is enough.

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