Christian Ericksen and a tumult of joy

From the medical team that responded to the emergency of Denmark professional footballer Christian Ericksen collapsing suddenly on the floor, following a heart attack, there has been a tumult of joy for family, friends, fans, admirers and members of the global community watching the spectacular show called Euro 2020. From organizers of the football fest intent on lifting some of the gloom dropped on the world by Covid-19, there has been a tumult of joy as the event was not ruined by something capable of doing so like what would have been the sudden death of a beloved footballer.

From unseen watchers that did whatever was necessary to give Ericksen back to us from the land of the dead, there has been a tumult of joy for lovers of football particularly from the continent of Africa, who were not allowed to memorialize Ericksen beside Samuel Okwaraji of Nigeria and Marc Vivien Foe of Cameroon, two great footballers, who collapsed suddenly on the field of play, at different times and could not be restored again.

From here we send our thanks to all those who permitted us to keep the tumult of joy. Those who allowed us push away the feelings of gloom that had so quickly descended on many hearts who watched the disturbing scene unfolding in front of their eyes. Those who reminded us to have faith in prayers by how quickly they communicated the change in Ericksen’s status to the rest of the world.

By this tumult of joy, may everyone appropriate the vital lessons from the episode, and no longer create conditions in which such occurrences become more commonplace.

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