- Because of how Chadwick Boseman made us feel (T’Challa forever, oops! Wakanda forever!)
- Because of the huge success, Chadwick Boseman brought the MCU
- Because of Chadwick Boseman’s real-life example of how to confront monsters while at the same time ensuring other duties and obligations did not suffer
- Because Chadwick Boseman is the only one with the ‘man’ suffix in his name of all the MCU superheroes
- Because the MCU is in love with names carrying the ‘man’ suffix e.g. Iron man, Spiderman, Ant-man, Big man, Absorbing man
- Because he didn’t play the victim card
- Because we have come to love superheroes with
- Because the MCU needs a superhero whose specialty is exclusively confronting ‘boss’ diseases like cancers while navigating all that huge pandemics’ conspiracy space.
- Because the MCU now needs to use its vast resources to lead the way, even if, through entertainment, in humanity’s must-win fight against all cancers
- Because Stan Lee would have loved the idea of another superhero exclusively confronting ‘boss’ diseases like cancers while navigating all that huge pandemics’ conspiracy space
- Because of the possibility of it filling the gap in the event that the planned sequel of Black Panther, scheduled run into unresolvable hitches
- Because of those storytellers in our circuit who have indicated readiness to volunteer their compelling stories for the project
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