Where do broken hearts go…? (apologies Whitney Houston) Time-Tested Tips for cruising out of a failed crush

Yesterday, we saw ‘8 Ways to compensate for the time you didn’t commit to the person who fell in love with you.’ Some readers wanted me to provide the other ‘half of the coin.’ That is, what tips are available for those who want to move on with their lives after those they fell in love with did not commit to them.

The following are some time-tested tips for ‘moving on’

  1. Allow your heart time to heal
  2. Identify the earlier fantasies
  3. Separate them from the facts
  4. Show yourself some mercy
  5. Forgive and let go
  6. Join children at play
  7. Laugh out loud with them
  8. Give them space to keep their promises
  9. Look yourself in the mirror
  10. Smile
  11. Start again from Number 1.
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1 Comment

  1. Thelma November 29, 2019 at 9:03 am

    Hmmm…Amazing write. I trust the process too.


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