Those Marlians inspired by the action of Taylor Swift fan club in Hubei Province in China

There is no doubt that many Marlians are enjoying the attention of the moment. While some are satisfied with just basking in the euphoria of being identified with the fad, others, in search of ways to prolong their time in the sun, are hoping to adapt some developments they have identified in other climes. They want to distinguish themselves further. In the hope that perhaps they could tweak the narrative about Marlians held by the rest of society.

When a couple of guys in the latter category stumbled on a report that a Taylor Swift Fan Club in Hubei Province in China, mobilized their members, and raised some money to buy much needed supplies for overwhelmed hospitals treating patients afflicted by the coronavirus in the province, a light bulb moment came for one of them. At first, he suggested that those of them in that cluster in Surulere, Lagos, attempt something similar but one of them reminded him that ‘Charity begins at home.’ ‘But there is no coronavirus in Surulere, or Nigeria, for that matter,’ he replied. ‘Then we should adapt the idea for Okada Riders and Keke Marwa Drivers in Surulere, who, in complying fully with the state government’s ban of their services, haven’t had a pleasant entrance into the New Year since the ban took effect early February. They can make do with whatever supplies our contributions can get for them at this time.’ Every head nodded to indicate acceptance of the suggestion.’

I’m still waiting to hear how efficiently the collections were made. If it comes anywhere close to how Taylor Swift fans in China did theirs. And how the supplies got to the intended beneficiaries.

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