The top expectation for Princes William & Harry on the 25th Anniversary of the passing of their mother, Princess Diana

How big is the expectation that on the 25th anniversary of the passing of their mother, Princess Diana, her sons Prince William and Prince Harry will intentionally embrace attempts to correct or amplify the public perception of their relationship? Or how big is the expectation that the perception that they do not care about each other will begin to experience some thawing? And how big is the expectation that prying eyes and interests in the matters of how close the brothers are or should be, will dominate some of the conversations focused on the anniversary of Princess Diana’s passing?

When she passed away on August 31, 1997, Prince William was 15 years and Prince Harry was 12 years. The world remembers how at the time, the young princes displayed an almost stoic persona in public as the family and the rest of the world mourned one of the most famous personalities of that era. Another strong image communicated by the princes was that they shared a strong bond. They indicated that they stood up for each other and loved each other passionately. There was no reason to believe otherwise but many years after and following some unflattering moments, which were highlighted by the media, and turned into major talking points in many circles, the perception has emerged that things are no longer as they used to be. The brothers are projected as not being together as they once were.

But who told anyone that life, which happens to everyone, and had already happened to their mother with them bearing the bulk of the brunt from that singular episode, was not going to happen again? Who needs any further persuasion that when life happens the best of perceptions may be heavily impacted?

When perceptions are impacted, the messages being communicated may change for good or bad. Speaking of messages, there is no doubt that when brothers with high profile and status have sharp disagreements, not a few persons are interested in the matter. And for a variety of reasons too. Those who observe brothers at war and wished they would sheathe their swords and reconcile may have their selfish interests but there is no denying the fact that it is a good thing for brothers to dwell together in unity. If it is a good thing for brothers to dwell together in unity, it is a bad thing for brothers to dwell apart in unforgiveness and ill will towards each other.

But it is the 25th anniversary of the passing of Princess Diana with both her sons now full-grown adults and having their own families. If she were alive today, would she have been a doting grandma as well as one that would love to see her children loving and respecting each other in words and deeds? What else would please her more than seeing her Princes respecting and honoring each other? Would she worry if her beloved sons indicated by their conduct and speech that they have little or no regard for each other and their families? Would she be very disturbed and unhappy by the development? Might the fact of her selflessness complicate her feelings of unhappiness and frustration at the media hype about the extent of how estranged her sons have become?

She was loved by many for her selflessness and large-heartedness, which many may remember as a reason to examine how much selfless juices flow in their veins at this time. Selflessness is an anchor for a moment of reset of the nature we hope may be understood by the occasion of this anniversary. Within this context may be included the Pauline text of ‘when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child but when I became a man, I put away childish things.’

Many things have been attributed to Prince William and Prince Harry; many understandings too as well as certain thoughts (evidenced in certain actions or inactions) but all of those considered childish may be put away, primarily for a reset, which the 25th anniversary of Princess Diana’s passing confers on her sons, their families and the rest of the extended family.

Will it please Princess Diana to see her children walk in peace? Will it be a thing of honor for the memory of Princess Diana that her children and their families walk in peace? Would it be good for their families that they have begun to walk in peace? And would any of that increase the well-being quotient of the world? Is there any doubt anywhere that attempts at walking in peace and reconciliation require real effort and sometimes, sacrifice? And is there any doubt that for peace to reign, the parties involved must commit to giving and receiving? Is there any question about the greater lover being the one ready to give up the most for peace to reign? And is there any dispute about the role of other interested parties and the fact that they owe the brothers and their families the respect of their privacy and some patience as they do their thing?

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