The three individuals behind the iconic Eko Courts Complex, Victoria Island, Lagos

The first administrator, later Governor of Lagos State, Sir Mobolaji Johnson, who passed away on October 30, was one of the three original owners of Eko Court Complex, Victoria Island, Lagos. The original idea for the project came from Chief Fajemirokun, who used to be a director in First Bank. He had gone to the office of the Secretary to the Government of Lagos State at the time, Mr Adeyemi Bero, to apply for land to build a high rise building in Victoria Island. His bank was going to finance the project.

Upon receipt of his application, Mr Adeyemi Bero invited him over for further discussion during which he advised that the project be expanded to 3 high rise buildings, instead of one. He indicated interest in owning one of the buildings and suggested that they offer the third building to the Governor, Sir Mobolaji Johnson. The Governor accepted the offer when it was later presented to him.

Subsequently, the application was revised, then processed; the land was allocated, the loan was obtained from the bank, the project began and was eventually completed. Materializing what has become one of the most visible historical landmarks of Lagos.

Today, the property is owned by Lagos State Government and managed by Lagos State Property Development Company, LSPDC. How the ownership of the property moved from the three gentlemen and became property of Lagos State is story for another day.

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