The biggest reminder from the Ekweremadus’ saga: things do not always go according to plan

The British authorities superintending the unfolding matter involving Senator and Mrs. Ike Ekweremadu and Nwamini David are certainly making discoveries as the rest of us preoccupy ourselves with commentaries, conjectures and prayers.

Clearly, many commentators and analysts have adjusted their ‘plans’ to make room for commentaries on the subject. And in order for them to make reasonable and informed commentaries on the matter, some would have made considerable adjustments on their earlier schedules and plans, further confirming the primary basis for this intervention, which is that in life things do not always go according to plan.

While the investigating authorities adjust their own plans to accommodate the current saga, there is no doubt that some persons and groups directly related to the principal personalities would themselves be making some adjustments to their plans. It is what it is. The world appears to run on a subsisting template that allows curved balls to drop in on all of us from time to time. And these curved balls usually disrupt plans and schedules, regardless of the time, effort and resources that went into their development.

When these disruptions come, they do so while bearing packets of ‘gifts’ that may be interpreted as facilitators or inhibitors. This is why some persons resort to prayers when things do not go according to plan while extracting vital intelligence from the situation which may be overlooked by others because their emotions are having the better of them. They pray to the only one, who seeing the end from the beginning, knows how to weave the different components in sometimes unimaginable ways so that at the end of the day when they look back, they acknowledge and appreciate the ‘unexpected disruption’ that led them to a better place.

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