Some were born secret keepers; others were made secret keepers by men while others have made themselves secret keepers… on January 26, 2022 January 25, 2022 … for the sake of others (Visited 65 times, 1 visits today)Share this: Previous Post← Another take on NASA’s report that Tonga’s January 15th volcanic eruption is equivalent to hundreds of Hiroshimas Another take on NASA’s report that Tonga’s January 15th volcanic eruption is equivalent to hundreds of Hiroshimas Next PostTimipade Kemepade’s apology to JAMB over a 21-year-old malpractice and the value of a conversation on restitution → Timipade Kemepade’s apology to JAMB over a 21-year-old malpractice and the value of a conversation on restitution You May Also Like on November 6, 2019 Underpants: who else may be interested in the intimate storehouse? on June 1, 2020 Ravi Zacharias’ Memorial Service as a Gift on July 15, 2021 So RMD turned 60 last week