Pastor Poju Oyemade, Bolaji Olagunju, post COVID-19 workplace and the ‘eleventh’ member of the ‘team’

Recently, Pastor of Covenant Nation, Poju Oyemade interviewed HR and Management guru, Bolaji Olagunju on Coronavirus and various workplace issues. My neighbor who watched the InstaLive piece told me the highpoint of the exercise for him was Mr Olagunju’s answer to Pastor Poju’s final question, ‘What specific skills and competencies do you see employers looking for post Covid-19?’

Mr Olagunju then mentioned the following ten skills:

  1. Problem solving skills
  2. Technology skills
  3. Digital skills
  4. Selling skills
  5. Marketing skills
  6. Self-driven
  7. Ownership mindset
  8. Writing skills
  9. Leadership skills
  10. Technical skills

My neighbor wished they were eleven instead of ten! He said he wanted to make each skill a football player. And a football team out of them all together. I told him the ten looked perfect to me but he insisted that ten players do not make a football team!

When I considered how he was pushing the matter I suspected he had something up his sleeves so I indulged him. ‘Why don’t you just make it eleven yourself and stop looking for what I have to say?’ I asked.

Grinning from side to side, he whispered, ‘Ability to effectively handle physical and perceived offences in a world that will be brimming with offenses, will certainly be a skill employers will be looking for in the post Covid-19 workplace.’

How many people agree with him?

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