Opportunity #14 – Experience the cold comfort that ‘Big brother United States’ had something similar to ours #blackoctober

It is no secret that many Nigerians are in love with many things American. It is doubtful if there is another country in the world that many Nigerians love more than the United States.

Nigerians like to compare themselves with the United States in many respects. So when reports broke that there was widespread looting of shopping malls following protests focused on police brutality in the United States, about the same time as the #EndSARS protests, which unfortunately ended in widespread looting and wanton destruction of properties in Nigeria, some Nigerians took cold comfort. While it is not something to glory about or rejoice in because looting is a bad thing, the energy present in the realization that a model country for many has some challenges similar to ours, could be better channeled.

If a protégé discovers that he shares a peculiar weakness with his beloved master, he might use the discovery as incentive to overcome that weakness to ‘encourage’ his master to make a fresh attempt to do likewise. Or he might gloat about it, rationalize it or resign himself to ‘ his own fate.’ None of the latter compares with the former in terms of its ability to inspire and draw out a ‘fresh fight out of his master.’ Of course, the protégé might accelerate his ‘promotion’ before his master and cut short the period of his tutelage if his master decides to do the needful by giving him his dues. That is, his master, in expressing his gratitude to him for his example, might concede the floor to him in commendation.

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