How many know a widow that has been defrauded two times?

Widows in our society are almost always being defrauded and the dear friend whose story I am about to briefly share here has had more than her fair share of the sour brew. But two instances which occurred in the last two years take the crown.

When I saw her last night it was like the light on her face had dimmed. My heart broke when she said ‘Fake Alert Merchants,’ visited her shop last Saturday, bought goods worth over N400,000, purportedly ‘transferred’ the money to her account, which she had earlier given to them. Then left with the goods. Only for her to discover later that the ‘alert’ which came to her phone during the transaction, was fake. She’s been so distraught. And her energy level has dropped. Principally, because she had not recovered from her first encounter with ‘uncommon defraudment,’ when the fake alert merchants unleashed their bile last Saturday.

About two years ago, her manager received two lady customers in the shop. They expressed interest in some of the goods and everything proceeded smoothly. They made their pick and were ready to close the sale. Or so the manager thought. But when the ‘sale’ was over, the shop had been set back by millions of naira! The ladies had ‘vanished’ into thin air. They had stolen most of the premium products in the shop. Leaving in their wake, heartache, sadness, depression and other emotions without labels. It was a monstrous blow to my friend. To her peace of mind. To her business projections and to many other things I cannot put in this post.

Before our conversation last night, I observed one of those special mother and daughter times, as she pulled her teenage daughter close and whispered sweetly into her ears. Apparently, the young lady had a headache that made her restless. What kinds of thoughts dominated her mind as she cuddled the girl? Was there any chance that her feelings of frustrations and sadness following the

incidence of last Saturday, lurked in the background? Highly likely. Was there any chance that some fears tugged at her heart about the calibre of care she is now capable of providing her children, who constitute her world, because of the recent incident? How many know the extent to which such fears could easily diffuse into her own system, affecting her health in the all-important mind-body association? In the circumstance, is she likely to pick up this signal, and see the need to consult a doctor for checks about her blood pressure and other vital details? In the event that she sees the need to do those important medical exams, is she likely to make the move? Why might she not make the move? Money. Would she not easily waive off the idea because she believes there is no money for such? Because what she was ‘managing’ before has been furthered reduced by the theft? Would she not reluctantly accept to go for the exams if any friend of hers or good Samaritan offered to pick up the bills for the medical exams? By the way, would her fears not be compounded if the results of the exams show her vitals are currently challenged? Would combining treatment and navigating this curve, especially as a doting mother, widow of almost 13years standing, and businesswoman, not stretch her already taut mental and physical muscles?

Does she need help? Does anyone want to help?

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