Goodbye to Ibidun Ighodalo, Pastor Ituah’s Rose

Persons interested in the Pastor Ituah and Ibidun Ighodalo’s project are found in several solemn places today. They come from various stations and all together make up a striking mosaic.

Though their locations differ, they recognize the wide-spreading petals of the giant Rose that once grew in the household of Chief Ajayi.

Their faces refuse to hide the whereabouts of their minds. The tears easily betray the status of where their thoughts have been.

The scars are still fresh. The fallen Rose had pierced their hearts too quickly. Some are still out of breath because the fragrance is gone too quickly.

Her manner was pleasing and considerate; that last word aptly capturing the brief adventure, and capping her reason for the quick goodbye. Long goodbyes sometimes take a heavy toll.

Thank you, Ibidun Goodbye.

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