Father’s Day – The morning after for all fathers who were not present at the celebration yesterday

I was in church yesterday as the Father’s Day celebration went full steam ahead. Suddenly I looked to my left and my eyes fell on a young lady dabbing her eyes with her handkerchief. Why would anyone be crying when there was such positive energy spreading across all the rows of the church?

I knew what the matter was: the young lady was missing her father all over again. He passed away 15 years ago when she was only a few months old. Since she’s grown older the occasion of every Father’s Day fills her with pain. The positive energy in the room could not penetrate that heavy sense of long absence. My friend moved close to where she was sitting and sat on the seat next to her. He put his hand across her shoulder but said nothing. He didn’t know what to tell her but he noticed she relaxed a bit even though the tears continued to flow. He had to temporarily interrupt his own ride in the positive flow of energy to share an important moment with the young lady.

Later he moved over to some of his friends and asked them why there is no international day for fathers who have passed. One of his friends suggested that such a celebration be included in the annual Father’s Day celebration but he countered that including it will douse the positive energy required by the day. He went a step further with references to the award-winning animation movie, Coco, where considerable attention was given to the celebration in which the dead were remembered. Perhaps a day before or after Father’s Day may be ideal for such a celebration.

Definitely such an occasion can be made to have therapeutic features and elements that will help the rest of society heal in remarkable ways.

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