Doing the Daunting: Jurgen Klopp’s ‘It’s all about consistency’ capsule has application in every vocation

Just before his team received the trophy as Premier League Champions last week, Liverpool Coach, Jurgen Klopp told Sky sports the secret of his team’s success. ‘It’s all about consistency,’ he said. Which he further unpacked to include the following:

  1. ‘It’s all about staying on track’
  2. ‘Staying creative’
  3. ‘Having a high level of training’

Common to all three constituents of Klopp’s consistency paradigm is the suffix, ‘ing.’ Which, in this case, is all about keeping on. Reaching further. Pushing on. Going again, and again. And the crown will ultimately be attained. History has demonstrated that relentlessness along the lines of Klopp’s categories, ultimately yields the crown.

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