Before Osinachi Nwachukwu closed her eyes for the last time

Long before Osinachi Nwachukwu closed her eyes for the last time last week, she reminded Christians to do so whenever they are worshipping God!

Many definitions have been given to the concept of worship but the term is being used in this context to refer to the act whereby Christians appear before God, singing songs to him. And addressing him with carefully chosen words and music intended to delight his heart with the heart backing much of what the lips are declaring and the mind not running from pillar to post or floating around. Usually, to minimize distractions and keep the mind in the act of worship, many persons taking part in this exercise, close their eyes to give their full attention to the Audience of One that is the object of their worship.

Osinachi Nwachukwu featured in Prospa Ochimana’s epic song, “Ekwueme.” And many people say she ‘elevated the power’ of the song by how she took her part. Look again at the video of the song and you’d notice that from the 2:54 minute of the song when she began her part to the 6:01 minute of the song when she ended her part, her eyes were completely closed! She was not looking at the faces in the crowd! The contents of her song were meant for One and she ensured she gave her full attention to Him while she offered her worship. The straight lesson from her example is that if the contents of the songs are meant for the Audience of One, every attempt should be made to concentrate on Him rather than darting the eyes from corner to corner when one’s lips are mouthing contents primarily meant for only Him.

Herein lies the legacy of Osinachi Nwachukwu and how I wish to remember her.

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