An example of what viewers may see in the Celine Dion Walk of Wonder, WOW, series


Recently, we published a post and asked readers if they knew what artist inspired the C D Wow television series. My neighbour came visiting and said he knew the identity of the artist. He said he was persuaded Celine Dion was the artist. C is for Celine while D is for Dion, he said. Besides, who else but Celine Dion is the artist reported to have 10,000 pairs of shoes, he asked me?

He went a step further to share with me something he found from his own WoW, his own walk of wonder. A plantain tree bearing two bunches at the same time is not something you see every day or in every place for that matter. Thus, it qualifies as a prime example of what viewers may see if producers of the series picked his neighbourhood to shoot any of the episodes. How many agree with him? And how many people would like to share their own Walk of Wonder moments with us?

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