A playlist for quarantine gone wrong: Ye Wo, Pawon Anybody, Nowo Manya, Billionaire Science Student, Mafo Case

The doctor was surprised when the patient mentioned persistent headaches as his major worry since his stay at the quarantine centre began some days ago. Upon further enquiry he learnt that the patient went to bed every night listening to a special playlist he had created two weeks before he was diagnosed as having got the virus. The patient had said he was going to enjoy himself to the hilt if the virus got to him. He was not going to lose his head in panic and fear, like many were doing. So he sampled some of the most popular songs by leading artists in the land in preparing his playlist.

He had hoped to enjoy himself from his playlist while shut out from the rest of the world but nightmares every time he slept, and persistent headaches had made his condition worse.

Here is what he shared with the doctor when he asked for the playlist in question: ‘Ye Wo, Pawon Anybody, Nowo Manya, Billionaire Science Student, Mafo Case, Risky Assurance, Skelewu Issa goal’

How did I get to know of the case? The doctor told me he wanted to replace the playlist. I knew he was trying to do a Sherlock Holmes with me (I saw him with a book about the famous detective recently) so I obliged him. He wondered if I knew of popular songs by leading artists, which this patient could use for his ongoing therapy instead of the earlier one. According to him, our most popular songs were not produced for those shut out from the rest of the world. Of course, they were designed for the dance floors, and ‘the other room,’ which were not included in the design of quarantine centres by the architects and builders. I told him I’d share the story on the blog. Can anyone create a playlist from our leading artists that can truly help our patients under quarantine?

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