5 Prayers for Nigeria inspired by Liam Neeson’s Memory – 1

May they have a real/close look at the faces of Nigeria’s youth! The vast majority of those idling away because of the endless lecturers’ strikes.

May those who have superintended and maintained every system of manipulation, control and indifference gaze intently, like Liam Neeson, on the faces of Nigeria’s youth and children, particularly those already robbed of their childhood and who are facing a heavily uncertain future. May they not look away but look intently on the faces of Nigeria’s future and ponder how to replace the dominant cues they see from the exercise.

Like we said in the introduction, Liam Neeson’s Memory movie contains useful pointers that have triggered this series of prayers for Nigeria. Using the central idea of the movie in which someone who once took delight in executing the nefarious interests of some powerful persons, suddenly chooses to stop that line of work, it is our prayer that like it happened in the movie, may it happen in real life.

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